Minggu, 29 Januari 2012

Funtional Grammar


1.    Explain the term of functional grammar!

Functional Grammar is actually the name of a set of linguistic theory in general can be classified into linguistic functionalism, including functional discourse grammar developed by Dutch linguists Simon Dik and systemic functional grammar developed by the British linguist Michael A. K. Halliday.

In general, functional grammar is a theory which attempts to explain the composition of natural language in terms of functionality. Because of that, then the development of this theory focuses on three interrelated things, namely (1) natural language functionality, (2) functionality relationships that occur at different levels of grammatical structure, and (3) target to be achieved, namely this theory  as an analytical tool for various aspects of language and language usage.

To realize the above matters, the development of theories of Functional Grammar must meet three standards of adequacy, namely:

a.    Typological adequacy. That is, the rules and principles of this theory should be applied in any natural language.
b.    Pragmatic adequacy. That is, any formula put forward by this theory should be able to provide an understanding of how linguistic expressions can be effectively used in communicative interactions.
c.    Psychological adequacy. That is, anything that put forward by the Functional Grammar shall be in accordance with the things that has been known about the psychological processing mechanisms that occur in natural language usage.

Because the idea of the functionality occupies a very important position in Functional Grammar, then the rules and principles formulated in terms Functional Grammar -functional terms. In Functional Grammar, there are three levels of functions of interest, namely:

a.    Function Semantics (Agent, Patient, Recipient, etc..). This function defines the role played by participants in an event or action as indicated by the predicate.
b.    Syntactic functions (Subject and Object). This function defines how point of view of an event or action is manifested in linguistic expressions.
c.    Pragmatic function (Themes and Tail, Topic and Focus). This function defines the status of constituent information and linguistic expressions linking expressions in discourse / discourse in progress with the Speaker and Speech Receiver in the ongoing verbal interaction.

To be used as an analytical tool for various aspects of language and language use, then the Functional Grammar at the same time seeks to maximize the level of adequacy of typological and linguistic analysis to minimize the level of abstraction. This work is done by reducing the level of abstraction (rules, mechanisms, or procedures), so the distance between the structures postulated in a particular language based on this theory with actual linguistic expressions which are prepared using the terms-terms this structure can be narrowed. Restrictions abstraction done by following the following principles:
a.    Avoiding transformations (in the sense of structural change operation);
b.    Avoid empty elements in the main structures that do not get the expression;
c.    Reject filter device (filter devices);
d.    Not implement an abstract lexical decomposition (instead, the semantic relationships between words is done through the definition of the meaning.)

2.    Why does Functional Grammar relate with semantic?

Because Semantics is part of the grammar that examines the meaning in a particular language, discusses the significance, both meaning of the word, the meaning of phrases, the meaning of the clause, sentence meaning, and meaning of the discourse as a complete unit of language, seeking the origin and development of the meaning of a word..

3.    Explain the relationship between func. Grammar and syntax!

Functional Grammar is a way of giving students a language for talking about the different language features they see in different texts even syntax is concerned with the discovery of basic sentence types and with the description of the possible substitution for each element of the basic types beside that Syntax is the study and rules of the relation of words to another as expressions of ideas and part of structures of sentences; the study and science of sentence construction. So, Syntax is the branch of grammar which is concerned with the study of the arrangement of word in sentences and of the means by which such relationship are shown

4.    Explain briefly the term of pragmatic, semantic, syntax, and phonology!

a.    Pragmatic
Pragmatics is the study of the relationship between language and context of the underlying explanation of language understanding. Here, "the understanding or comprehension of language" refers to the fact that to understand something of expression or speech language knowledge is also needed beyond the meaning of words and grammatical relations, namely to do with the context of its use. Pragmatics can also be interpreted (1) field that examines the meaning of the speaker, (2) field that examines the meaning according to context, (3) field of study that exceeds the meaning of spoken, examines the meaning of which is communicated or communicated by the speaker; and (4) the field of researching forms of expression according to social distance that limits the participants who engage in certain conversations. Tendencies in pragmatics is divided into two parts, first, by using a social point of view, connecting with the pragmatic meaning of the speaker (speaker meaning), and second, by using a cognitive perspective, linking with the pragmatic interpretation of the utterance.

b.    Semantic
The word semantics is actually a technical term that refers to the study of meaning. This term is a new term in English. Linguists provide semantic meaning as a branch of linguistics which studies the relationship between linguistic signs or lingual signs with things that are meaningful. Another term that once used the same thing is semiotics, semiology, semasiology, and Semitic. Talk about the meaning of a word into semantic objects. Semantics is a very broad field of study because it also dealt with aspects of structure and function of language that can be connected with psychology, philosophy, and anthropology. Semantics assumes that language consists of structures that reveal meaning when connected with the objects in the world of human experience. "Semantics is the study of the relationship between a linguistic distinction with the relationship of mental or symbols in speech activity." The question of meaning becomes a semantic matter. Based on this explanation can be concluded that the semantics are talking about the meaning of linguistic sub disciplines.

c.    Syntax
-    Syntax is a branch of grammar structures to talk about sentences, clauses, and phrases. Also be interpreted as a syntactic buffer subsystem that includes language about the words that are often considered part of the grammar of morphological and linguistic branch of learning about words.
-    Syntax is the branch of grammar which is concerned with the study of the arrangement of word in sentences and of the means by which such relationship are shown (Hartman and Stork).
-    Syntax is concerned with the discovery of basic sentence types and with the description of the possible substitution for each element of the basic types (Mario Pei and Frank Gaynor)
-    Syntax is the study and rules of the relation of words to another as expressions of ideas and part of structures of sentences; the study and science of sentence construction (Archibald A. Hill)
In short, Syntax is the way in which the words are put together to make meaningful sentence.

d.    Phonology
Phonology is the scientific study of organization of speech sounds in certain language. It is a cover term of both Phonetics and Phonemics.
 Phonetics is universal; it is not addressed to certain language. It is the study of anatomy, in other words, it is study of the speech organs and how they produce speech sounds.
The sound of speech can be studied in three different ways. Acoustic phonetic is the study how speech sounds are transmitted. Auditory phonetic is the study of how speech sounds are heard. Articulatory phonetic is the study of how speech sounds are produced by human speech apparatus.
Phonemic is specific, it is the study of the function of sounds in certain language.

5.    Make rules of grammar for the following tense:

a.    Phrases
1)    Definition
A phrase is a sequence of two or more words that make up a grammatical construction, usually lacking a finite verb and hence not a complete clause or sentence:
Phrase is a group of words that doesn’t consist of subject and predicate which can’t stand alone.
2)    Form
The form phrase is Head, Modifier and Determiner
Example: A beautiful flower in the garden
A= determiner
Beautiful= modifier
Flower= head
In the garden= adverb
3)    Classification
Phrases are classified into:
a)    Noun Phrase : Phrase which is function as noun
    Common noun phrase
    Infinitive phrase
    Gerundial Phrase
b)    Verb Phrase: Phrase which is function as verb
c)    Adjectival Phrase: Phrase which is function as adjective
d)    Adverbial phrase: Phrase which is function as adverb
e)    Prepositional Phrase: Phrase which is function as preposition
4)    Examples
1.    Noun Phrases
a.    Ali went to the store for some books.
b.    My new car near the tree is old enough.
c.    The desk in this room is small.
d.    Increasing English Language ability is need practicing English effectively
e.    To be able reach your dream needs hard work
2.    Verb Phrase
a.    When people would come upon Bigfoot, they would take off after it.
b.    They wanted to catch up what kind of creature it was
3.    Adjectival Phrase
a.    Books in black and red were the clerk's delight.
b.    The girl with long hair is my friend.
4.    Adverbial Phrase
a.    He shouted on house top
b.    Henry fishes in the big lake.
c.    He put the money into his pocket.
5.    Prepositional phrase
a.    The report will be sent in a few days.
b.    He is sometimes angry with his wife.
c.    I'm sorry for having come late.
d.    The traffic sign points to the left.

b.    Clauses

a.    Definition
Clause is a groups of words that consist of at least a subject and a predicate which can’t stand alone. It will be meaningless/ doesn’t have meaning.

b.    Form

Clause divided into to form:
1.    Independent clause (main clause)
2.    Dependent clause (Sub- clause)
If I were rich, I would buy expensive house
If I were rich= dependent clause
I would buy expensive house= independent clause

c.    Classification

Clause classified into:
1.    Noun Clause: clause that function as noun of a sentence
2.    Adjective Clause : clause that function as adjective of a sentence
3.    Adverbial Clause : is a dependent clause used as an adverb.

d.    Examples

1.    Noun clause:
a.    It is disappointing that Doni left me
b.    I can prove that Ari love me

2.    Adjective Clause
a.    Mrs. Susan whose husband is a professor is a business woman
b.    The beautiful girl who wearing glasses is my sister

3.    Adverbial Clause
a.    Let me know when you have finished
b.    Come back as soon as you can
c.    After he had had supper he went to bed
c.    Sentences

1.    Defitnition
Sentence is a set of words consist of at least one subject and one predicate/ verb and has a complete meaning.

2.    Form
Sentence form is subject+ predicate + object/complement
Susan read a novel
Susan= subject
Read= predicate
A novel= object
a.    Affirmative sentence (subject+ predicate+ object/ complement)
Susan work in a big company
b.    Negative sentence (subject+ not+ predicate+ object/ complement)
Susan doesn’t work in a big company
c.    Interrogative Sentence ( To be+ subject+ object/complement)
Does susan work in a big company?

3.    Classification
a.    Simple sentence
Simple sentence is a sentence that consist of one subject and one finite verb (independent clause).
    We go to school everyday
    She gave me a ring
    We eat rice everyday
b.    Compound sentences
Compound sentence is the combination of two or more simple sentences. Thus, it contains more than one independent clause. Coordinating conjunction are, and, but, so, for.
    The man is rich, but he is miserly
    Susan has much money so she buy everything
c.    Complex sentence
A complex sentence contains one main clause and one or more dependent clause. Coordinating conjunction, such as, after, although, as, if etc.
    Because she is very rich, she gives me a house
    She reads novel whenever she wants
    They are good friends although they fight constantly
d.    Compound- Complex sentence
Compound-complex contains at least two main clauses and leas one sub clause
    After I go to the supermarket, I visit my grandmother and I give her some fruits
    Although the fruits growers worked long hours, they seemed to enjoy their work, and they usually had a long vocation period during the winter month.

6.    Explain briefly the term of prefixes, infixes and sub fixes! Make example in sentences form!

a.    Prefixes
A prefix is a group of letters added before a word or base to alter its meaning and form a new word. A prefix is a group of letters attached to the beginning of a root or word (or even group of words) serving to modify and/or extend meaning. Prefixes generally have an easily understood meaning in and of themselves, which they apply to continue he root word to which they are affixed. For example, “un” is a negative prefix which will change the otherwise positive word “happy” into “unhappy”. Large- enlarge
1)    Advantage- disadvantage
Smoking is very disadvantages for our health
2)    Fortunate- unfortunate
Unfortunately, she doesn’t get a good value in speaking subject
3)    Wife- ex wife
Mrs. Sinta is Mr. Bret’s ex wife
4)    Happy- unhappy
She feel unhappy when Robert came to this house
5)    Sense- nonsense
What she said is nonsense

b.    Infixes
An affix that is inserted the word to create a new word or intensify meaning. The process of inserting an infix is called in fixation.
Here is some list by James McMillan
1)    Awful- beawfullyware
2)    Bleed- absobleedinglutely
3)    Damn-abdamnsurd
4)    Fucking- somefuckingplace
5)    Jolly- theojollylogical
6)    Goddamn- ingoddamnconsistent
7)    Damn- abdamnsurd
8)    Bleep-fivebleepmile

c.    Suffixes
A suffix is a group of letters placed at the end of a word to make a new word. A suffix can make a new word in one of two ways:
1.    Inflectional (do not change the meaning of the word)
a)    changing singular to plural (dog-dogs)
Susan keeps10 dogs in her house
There are three apples in the table
I take those book for profesor
b)    changing present to past tense (stop-stopped)
She stopped in the Chinese restaurant last night
Pizza was delivered by Michael family
Susan learned English pronunciation
In this case the basic meaning of the word does not change.
2.    Derivational (the new word has a new meaning, derived from the original word). Examples:
a)    (work-worker)
He is a worker in this house
b)    Part- partner
My new partner in solving the case is Mr. Bret

7.    Make an example of descriptive text! Focuses on the grammar (present tense)

Sandri Suhermawan
Sandri Suhermawan is my ex- boyfriend. He was born in March 24 1988. He is very tall approximately 172 cm height. He is thin with the short hair. He wears glasses with split eyes. He has a straight nose and light skin. He is very kind, funny but little selfish. Now, he works as a teacher in SMK Negeri Salopa I.

8.    Make an example of narrative text! Focuses on the use grammar (past tense)!

Hundreds of years ago, there lived a poor farmer with seven daughters in a village so quiet and peaceful. Red, Yellow, Green, Blue, orange, purple, and white are the names of the seven daughters of poor farmers. At first they were very happy life, but suddenly disaster that destroyed the village to attack a very long drought. The animals and plants that exist in the village had died one by one because of thirst. many residents who had left the village, but died on the way because their body getting weaker. But there is one way that can restore the village as before, namely by making a large bonfire in the middle of the field and the seven daughters of poor farmers plunge into the fire because it is believed that the seventh daughter has an energy that is able to remove the curse from the village. With a sincere heart the seventh daughter willingly sacrifice themselves to remove the curse. Witnessed all the villagers and beloved father, the seventh daughter had jumped into the fire and turns right, after the fire was extinguished, the rain fell and wet the village. From a distance looks different colors are beautiful and match the color of the seventh daughter who jumped into the fire. even call it a rainbow society.

9.    Make five examples in sentences form of the zero clauses

a.    Susan coming from England is a doctor
b.    The novel given to you is Robert’s
c.    Ari I know he clever
d.    The horse raced past the barn fell.
e.    The car broken on side way is Mr. Thomson’s

10.    Make two dialogue practices dealing with the use of grammar in the sentences form!

At the restaurant
Waiter    : Good afternoon mam, ready to order?
Mrs. Tiens    : Good Afternoon, all right, I want Steak with fried potatoes and do not spicy.
Waiter    : and for drinking mam?
Mrs. Tiens    : Avocado juice.
Waiter    : all right, No spicy steak with potatoes and avocado juice. Wait a minute mam.
Mrs. Tiens    : all right.
Waiter    : this is it! enjoying the foods mam..
Mrs. Tiens    : Waiter!, please the bill, how much is it?
Waiter        : it’s 30000 rupiahs.
Mrs. Tiens    : all right.
Water        : thanks you, come back again..

Jumat, 06 Januari 2012





Diajukan untuk memenuhi salah satu tugas

mata kuliah kritik essay



Disusun oleh

Dheny Darajatul Hasani
















           Dan novel yang ditunggu-tunggu para penggemar karya Habiburrahman El Shirazy atau yang lebih dikenal dengan sebutan Kang Abik ini pun terbit juga. Novel yang bertajuk Bumi Cinta ini masih merupakan novel dengan kisah romansa relijius yang tetap mengusung predikat sebagai novel pembangun jiwa, sebagaimana novel-novel Kang Abik sebelumnya yaitu Ayat-Ayat Cinta dan Ketika Cinta Bertasbih (KCB). Bahkan baik Ayat-Ayat Cinta dan KCB keduanya telah dilayarlebarkan. Namun tidak seperti novel sebelumnya yang bersetting di Mesir, kali ini Kang Abik mencoba mengeksplorasi keindahan bumi Rusia, khususnya kota Moskow. 



BUMI CINTA Karya Habiburrahman El Shirazy


Dan tersebutkah seorang pemuda Indonesia bernama Muhammad Ayyas, seorang mahasiswa pasca sarjana di Delhi, India yang juga seorang santri. Muhammad Ayyas yang sebelumnya kuliah di Madinah ini berniat ingin mengerjakan tugas penelitian dari Dosen pembimbingnya yaitu mengenai Kehidupan Umat Islam di Rusia pada masa pemerintahan Stallin.

Tibalah ia di Rusia dengan disambut oleh teman lamanya David. David inilah yang mencarikan apartemen tempat tinggal untuk Ayyas. Dengan alasan keterbatasan budget yang dimiliki Ayyas dan lokasi apartemen yang strategis ternyata David hanya bisa mendapatkan sebuah apartemen yang berbagi dengan orang lain. Parahnya teman seapartemennya itu adalah dua orang wanita Rusia yang jelita. Serangkaian masalah bagi Ayyas pun bermula dari sini.

Yelena seorang pelacur kelas atas dan Linor seorang pemain biola yang akhirnya diketahui sebagai agen rahasia Mossad adalah 2 wanita yang menjadi teman seapartemen Ayyas. Apartemen yang memiliki 3 kamar ini mengharuskan Ayyas harus selalu berinteraksi dengan keduanya di ruang tamu, dapur, dan ruang keluarga. Sungguh ini merupakan godaan keimanan yang dahsyat bagi Ayyas yang mencoba menjaga kesucian dirinya sebagai muslim.

Godaan bagi Ayyas tidak hanya sampai di situ, dosen pembimbing yang dirujuk oleh dosennya di Delhi tidak bisa melakukan bimbingan ke Ayyas karena sesuatu hal, dia menyerahkan tugas bimbingan ini kepada asistennya. Dan ternyata sang asisten adalah seorang gadis muda jelita bernama Anastasia, seorang penganut kristen ortodoks yang sangat taat.

Interaksi yang intens sang asisten dengan Ayyas menimbulkan rasa simpati yang lebih di hati Anastasia kepada Ayyas. Ketertarikan itu pun kian hari kian menguat. Di lain pihak Yelena tengah dilanda konflik dengan sang mucikari dan Linor sang agen Mossad tengah menyiapkan rencana jahat kepada Ayyas, yaitu menyiapkan rekayasa fitnah sebuah pengeboman yang diarahkan agar Ayyas sebagai pelakunya.

Tiga wanita inilah yang mendominasi jalannya kisah dalam Bumi Cinta. Tidak ada konflik yang sedemikian hebat dalam kisah ini sebagaimana kita temui pada sosok Fahri yang sempat masuk penjara di Mesir, atau tokoh Furqon yang sempat terkena virus HIV. Di sini tokoh Ayyas hanya "nyaris" dipenjara karena difitnah melakukan pengeboman di Hotel Metropole oleh Linor.

Kisah ini juga dilengkapi dengan peristiwa pembantaian Zionis terhadap muslim Palestina di Sabra dan Sathila. Nuansa romansa memang terasa sangat kental di sini. Tiap halaman akan kita jumpai gejolak perasaan Ayyas atas wanita-wanita jelita yang dijumpainya.





Dari Sinopsis novel yang berjudul “BUMI CINTA” karya Habiburrahman El Shirazy dapat disimpulkan, bahwa novel tersebut memiliki kelebihan dan kekuranga. Yaitu:


           Lagi-lagi Kang Abik menampilkan tokoh yang terlalu sempurna di sini. Muhammad Ayyas memang dikisahkan tidak tampan dan juga tidak jelek, namun ia sangatlah cerdas, saleh, tawadhu, memiliki kepekaan sosial yang luar biasa, sangat romantis dan sifat-sifat baik lainnya. Bahkan berkali-kali Ayyas digambarkan menangis akan hal-hal yang ia anggap merupakan dosa atau mendekati dosa.

Banyak terdapat dialog-dialog yang sangat panjang yang jika kita bayangkan dalam dunia nyata ini akan sangat tidak realistis. Kang Abik dalam hal ini kurang halus dalam menyusupkan nilai-nilai dakwah. Tidak seperti dalam Ayat-Ayat Cinta dan Ketika Cinta Bertasbih, dialog-dialog bermuatan dakwah dalam novel ini ada kesan menggurui dan terlalu berpanjang-panjang.

Plot cerita terasa sangat datar. Ketika peristiwa pengeboman terjadi saya berharap ini menjadi klimaks cerita tentang kedzaliman yang harus dihadapi Ayyas, namun sayang ini sekali ini tidak kita jumpai. Tokoh Ayyas di sini tidak menghadapi konflik yang berarti alias bahagia-bahagia saja sepanjang cerita.

Mengapa yang terpikat kepada Ayyas seluruhnya merupakan wanita-wanita cantik? walau pun dengan ragam latar belakang yang berbeda tetap ini merupakan gangguan buat saya pribadi ketika membacanya.


            Sebagaimana novel sebelumnya, Bumi Cinta sarat degan muatan dakwah. Kisah romansa berbalut nilai dakwah ini disajikan dengan apik dan asyik untuk dinikmati. kang Abik juga menyelipkan kisah Sabra dan Sathila yang merupakan kisah pembantaian Zionis atas muslim Palestina.

Kang Abik menggambarkan kota Moskow dengan amat sangat detail, dari lokasi-lokasi strategis, gedung-gedung bersejarah, makanan khas Rusia, metro yang merupakan kebanggaan masyarakat Moskow, gaya hidup masyarakat di sana serta hal lainnya. Semua digambarkan dengan sangat jelas dan detail. Kutipan-kutipan bahasa Rusia juga benar-benar mampu menghanyutkan pembaca seakan benar-benar berada di negeri Rusia.

            Akhir kisah yang menggantung, yaitu ketika Linor ditembak oleh agen Mossad setelah ia berhijrah ke Islam. Hingga halaman terakhir tidak diketahui apakah Linor ini akan mati atau selamat. Terus terang ini sangat membuat penasaran.


Download Review Novel BUMI CINTA Karya Habiburrahman El Shirazy


A.    Teaching Poetry
Whether you're teaching kindergarteners or an adult enrichment class, a poetry lesson can be engaging for all if you take a few things into consideration first.    
  1. Examine your attitudes toward poetry.  Before your teach poetry, you must first consider  your own thoughts and feelings on the subject.  Perhaps you love all things poetry, so you can do nothing but inspire students with your enthusiasm.  However, most people have at least a few biases against poetry or preconceived notions about it.  You may prefer formal, rhymed poetry and see free verse as so much nonsense.  Maybe you love the modern works of living, breathing poets, but you must be forced to read the classics.  Being aware of these tendencies will keep you from unfairly influencing the opinions of your class and can help you strive for balance in the poetry you teach.   
        2.      Determine your goals.  Before planning any lesson, you should determine your goals.  This is especially important with poetry, because you can take several different approaches to the subject, each requiring different preparation.
  • Enjoyment - You may simply wish for students to gain an overall appreciation of poetry, so you can plan your lessons around enjoying the poetry you read.  Have fun with the rhythm of the words, look for intriguing images, and find poems with inspiring messages and themes. 
  • Literary analysis - In many classes, poetry is studied with an eye on dissecting its meaning.  The emphasis is on identifying literary techniques like simile and metaphor and evaluating their effectiveness.  This analytical approach can sometimes hinder students' enjoyment of poetry, but such analysis is also an important skill, so finding a balance is key. 
·         Creative writing - The focus may also be on leading students to create their own poetry.  Students experiment with a variety of forms of poetry as a way of expressing themselves. However, this approach usually involves reading a wide range of poetry for inspiration.  
       3.       Learn the terminology.  If you're going to be discussing poetry, you need to learn the proper language.  You'll need to know the forms of poetry, from haiku to sonnet, and the techniques poets use to build their work.  If you don't feel comfortable with poetic devices and forms, look for a literary reference text.  
      4.      Select the poems.  Finding the right poems for a lesson is a bit of a treasure hunt.  In some situations, you'll be teaching poetry from a required text, so you won't have much say in the poems you use.  If you have a choice, start by browsing through collections of poetry at the library and bookstore.  Think back to poems you studied in school or have read for your own enjoyment, and choose a few of your favorites.  You should also look for poems illustrating techniques you'd like to highlight.  Try to represent poets of different eras, genders, nationalities, and races.   
       5.      Practice reading.  Poetry is meant to be read aloud, so read each poem through several times to get a feel for it and to decide how to read it to best effect.  What words will you emphasize and where will you pause?  If you're not comfortable with your poetry performance skills, look for audio files of professional readers or even the poets reading their own poems.  
With these points in mind, you'll be ready to plan a successful poetry lesson.
B.     Teaching Drama
Literature includes various genres viz. poetry, drama, prose, fiction. That is to say, drama is one of the important genres. I t has become one of the successful and effective aspects of teaching literature. Drama is taught not only to please and instruct the learners but also to develop in them the skill of interaction. 'Interaction' therefore, is the main aim of teaching drama to language learners. Teaching drama can benefit the language learners in various ways.

The Principles of Teaching Drama:
The principle of teaching drama are as follows:
a. General principle. it includes the following points.
·               Developing the vocabulary in learners
·               Developing the skill of literal interpretation (i.e. reading comprehension)
b. Specific principle. it includes the following points:
·            Developing the skill of interaction
Ø Exposuret o languagein conversation
Ø Understandingw hat someonere ally means.
Ø Orderinga nd sequencingin conversation
Ø Finding status and relationship
·              Developing the skill of critical reading
·              Developing the skill of critical thinking and creative writing (i.e. skill for imagination)

Strategies for Teaching Drama
  1. Connect personal experiences to events in the drama (teachers can help by using good questioning techniques).
  2. Visualize the characters as you read stage directions.
  3. Evaluate characters' words and actions and determine what motivates them.
  4. Notice character changes.
  5. Compare characters.
    • Make a three column chart - label the left column, character 1; the middle column, shared traits; the right column, character 2.
    • Fill in the chart as you read.
  6. Analyze monologues and soliloquies.
  7. Read the play aloud.
  8. Identify the setting.
  9. Evaluate how the setting affects the play's mood.
  10. Identify major and minor conflicts.

      C.    Teaching Prose
Teaching prose focuses on increasing student's comprehension of the material and establishing a personal connection to it. The key is to use a variety of strategies to keep students interested and involved. "Teaching Strategies" author Leif Danielson states, "As an overall teaching strategy: You should create the conditions that will elicit the behavior that you want from your class or an individual student."
           1.      Choosing Prose
Before you choose to teach anything, read it first. After you read the selection, take the time to write down a response to it that qualifies how you felt about the piece. If a piece of prose is unable to stimulate or interest you, it is unlikely to do so for your students. Afterward, look at the piece from the point of view of your students based on their life experiences, interests and ages. This helps you pick appropriate and engaging prose.
           2.      Read
Encourage students to read the material several times if needed. Repeated observation reveals what they may have missed the first time. Introduce active reading strategies at the beginning of the course. First, teach them to observe what is on the page -- the facts and answers to "who, what, when, where, and how." Then encourage them to notice patterns, connections, repetition or contradictions. Tell them to question everything and explain that a situation or item wouldn't be in the text if there wasn't a reason for it. Lastly, teach students to discover the theme of the text -- what the author intended for the reader to understand. At the beginning of the course, make sure students understand literature terminology. They will need to know what the fiction elements are (point of view, character, setting, plot, structure and theme) and why writers use them. Most textbooks explain these terms, so have students read about the concepts and then discuss them during class by using examples from the assigned readings.
           3.      Write
One of the best ways for students to increase comprehension is to write about the story they've read. Require students to keep a journal during the course and have them brainstorm, list or free-write a paragraph immediately after completing the reading. Depending on the level of the class, create a form with questions to answer as homework.
Other writing assignments also enhance creative and critical thinking. Ask students to write a continuation of a short story and imagine what would happens next. Alternately, have them rewrite the ending of a short story, choosing a point in the action and changing the direction of the plot. You can also require that they change the gender, age, race or sexual orientation of a character from a story and rewrite the story or a selected scene. Assign the students a character and have them write a letter to him or her--or have the students write a letter to the author and tell him or her what they think of the story.
           4.      Discuss
Lecturing helps students understand the material, but creating a discussion involves students more effectively. Hearing another point of view challenges them to comprehend the material deeper. During class, ask questions. According to Saskatchewan Education, "Effective teaching involves asking appropriate questions at appropriate times and helping students ask their own questions." Small group discussion gives shy students an opportunity to relate one-on-one. Group four or five students together and give them a question to discuss. Let someone draw it randomly or use a question-and-answer form. Bring the smaller discussions back to the class by having one student report what was discussed.
           5.      Integrate Technology
Integrate technology into your teaching strategies. After reading and discussing a work, watch the movie version in class. If a movie hasn't been made of that book, watch a similar one to compare or contrast. View author broadcasts reading their own work or commenting on it. Assign students to make a movie about the story or novel. Patty Blome at Scholastic notes that "students develop comprehension and increase learning while researching characters, storyboarding plots and learning the art of film-making by translating a novel into a Hollywood-style digital movie."

Instructional Design



Diajukan Untuk Memenuhi Salah Satu Tugas Mata Kuliah Instructional Design



Kelas 4C

                                     Addy Muhaemin                  (092122108)
                                    Dian Budiana                        (092122101)
                                    Enda Hidayat                        (092122119)
                                    Prima F.C.                             (092122117)
                                    Yulianingsih                           (092122118)



Alhamdulillah, puji dan syukur penulis panjatkan kehadirat Allah SWT, Rabb seluruh alam yang telah menganugerahkan karunia dan nikmatNya yang tak terhingga, sehingga kami dapat menyelesaikan makalah tentang “Komponen Silabus”. Makalah ini disusun untuk memenuhi salah satu tugas mata kuliah Instructional Design.
Permendiknas RI Nomor 41 Tahun 2007 tentang Standar Proses menyatakan bahwa silabus sebagai acuan pengembangan RPP memuat identitas mata pelajaran, standar kompetensi (SK), Kompetensi Dasar (KD), materi pembelajaran/tema pembelajaran, indikator pencapaian kompetensi, penilaian, alokasi waktu, dan sumber belajar.
Kami menyadari bahwa selama penulisan makalah ini mendapat bantuan dari berbagai pihak. Oleh karena itu, kami mengucapkan terima kasih kepada :
       1.      Bapak Dian Kardijan, M.Pd., selaku dosen mata kuliah yang telah membantu kami dalam  menyusun makalah ini;
          2.      semua pihak yang tidak bisa kami sebut satu persatu.
Semoga Allah swt. memberikan balasan yang berlipat ganda.
Makalah ini bukanlah karya yang sempurna karena masih memiliki banyak kekurangan, baik dalam hal isi maupun sistematika dan teknik penulisannya. Oleh sebab itu kami sangat mengharapkan saran dan kritik yang membangun demi kesempurnaan makalah ini. Akhirnya semoga makalah ini bisa memberikan manfaat bagi penulis dan bagi pembaca. Amin.

Tasikmalaya, Maret 2011                                                                           Penulis

Silabus adalah rencana pembelajaran pada suatu dan/atau kelompok mata pelajaran/tema tertentu yang mencakup standar kompetensi, kompetensi dasar, materi pokok/pembelajaran, kegiatan pembelajaran, indikator pencapaian kompetensi untuk penilaian, penilaian, alokasi waktu, dan sumber belajar.
Selain itu, ada beberapa pendapat mengenai pengertian silabus, diantaranya:
·         Garis besar, ringkasan, ikhtisar, atau pokok-pokok isi/materi pembelajaran (salim, 1987:98
·      Merupakan seperangkat rencana serta pengaturan pelaksanaan pembelajara dan penilaian yang disusun secara sitematis memuat komponen-komponen yang saling berkaitan untuk mencapai penguasaan kompetensi dasar (Yulaelawati,2004:123)
·         Salah satu rancangan kurikulum pembelajaran.
·         Merupakan ringkasan isi komponen-komponen kurikulum
·      Penjabaran lebih lanjut dari standar kompetensi, kompetensi dasar, dan pokok-pokok/uraian materi yang harus dipelajari siswa ke dalam rincian kegiatan dan strategi pembelajaran, kegiatan dan strategi penilaian, dan alokasi waktu per mata pelajaran per satuan pendidikan dan per kelas
·      Salah satu tahapan pengembangan kurikulum, khususnya untuk menjawab “apa yang harus dipelajari?”
·     Merupakan hasil atau produk pengembangan disain pembelajaran, seperti PDKBM, GBPP, dsb.

Isi Silabus
Berkenaan dengan komponen silabus lebih rinci dikemukan oleh nurhadi ( 2004:142) bahwa silabus berisi uraian program yang mencantumkan:
• Bidang studi yang diajarkan
• Tingkat sekolah dan semester
• Pengelompokan kompetensi dasar
• Materi pokok
• Indicator
• Strategi pembelajaran
• Alokasi waktu
• Bahan atau alat serta media

Manfaat Silabus
Pedoman bagi pengembangan pembelajaran lebih lanjut:
o Pembuatan rencana satuan pembelajaran
o Pengelolaan kegiatan pembelajaran
o Penyediaan sumber belajar
o Pengembangan sistem penilaian

A.    Identitas
Berisi identitas sekolah, bidang/program keahlian, standar kompetensi, mata pelajaran, kelas/semester, durasi pembelajaran, kode kompetensi.
Nama Sekolah                         :  MTs Neglasari
Mata Pelajaran                         :  Bahasa Inggris
Kelas/Semester                        :  VII (Tujuh)/ I (Satu)
Standar Kompetensi                1.Mendengarkan
                                                                Memahami makna dalam percakapan transaksional dan interpersonal sangat sederhana untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan terdekat
Alokasi Waktu                        :  2 x 40 menit

B.     Standar Kompetensi
Standar kompetensi merupakan uraian fungsi dan tugas atau pekerjaan yang mendukung tercapainya kualifikasi peserta didik .
Nama Sekolah                         :  MTs Neglasari
Mata Pelajaran                         :  Bahasa Inggris
Kelas/Semester                        :  VII (Tujuh)/ I (Satu)
Standar Kompetensi                1.Mendengarkan
                                                     Memahami makna dalam percakapan transaksional dan interpersonal sangat sederhana untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan terdekat
Alokasi Waktu                        :  2 x 40 menit

C.     Kompetensi Dasar
Kompetensi dasar/ subkompetensi merupakan sejumlah tugas/ kemampuan untuk mendukung ketercapaian standar kompetensi.

Kompetensi Dasar
Materi Pembelajaran
Kegiatan Pembelajaran
Alokasi Waktu
Sumber Belajar
Bentuk Instrumen
Contoh Instrumen
1.1     Merespon makna dalam percakapan transaksional ( to get things done ) dan interpersonal    (bersosialisasi ) yang mengunakan ragam bahasa lisan sangat sederhana secara akurat, lancar dan berterima untuk  berinteraksi dengan lingkungan terdekat yang melibatkan tindak tutur : menyapa orang yang belum/sudah dikenal, memperkenalkan diri sendiri / orang lain, dan memerintah atau melarang

D.    Materi Pokok/ Pembelajaran
Merupakan substansi pembelajaran utama yang berfungsi menunjang pencapaian kompetensi dasar/subkompetensi, mencakup keseluruhan ranah kompetensi (pengetahuan, keterampilan dan sikap). Materi pokok/pembelajaran harus menunjang pencapaian kompetensi dasar dengan mempertimbangkan:
a      potensi peserta didik;
b      relevansi dengan karakteristik daerah;
c      tingkat perkembangan fisik, intelektual, emosional, sosial, dan spritual peserta didik;
d     kebermanfaatan bagi peserta didik;
e      struktur keilmuan;
f       aktualitas, kedalaman, dan keluasan materi pembelajaran;
g      relevansi dengan kebutuhan peserta didik dan tuntutan lingkungan; dan
h      alokasi waktu.

Kompetensi Dasar
Materi Pembelajaran
Kegiatan Pembelajaran
Alokasi Waktu
Sumber Belajar
Bentuk Instrumen
Contoh Instrumen

A : Good morning
     How are you ?
 B : Fine Thanks.
      Nice to meet you
A : Hello, I’ Nina
 B : Hi, I’m Reny
      Nice to meet you

E.     Kegiatan Pembelajaran
Kegiatan Pembelajaran adalah kegiatan fisik dan atau mental yang dilakukan peserta didik dalam berinteraksi dengan sumber belajar. Kegiatan pembelajaran dirancang untuk memberikan pengalaman belajar yang melibatkan proses mental dan fisik melalui interaksi antarpeserta didik, peserta didik dengan guru, lingkungan, dan sumber belajar lainnya dalam rangka pencapaian kompetensi dasar. Pengalaman belajar yang dimaksud dapat terwujud melalui penggunaan pendekatan pembelajaran yang bervariasi dan berpusat pada peserta didik. Pengalaman belajar memuat kecakapan hidup yang perlu dikuasai peserta didik.
Hal-hal yang harus diperhatikan dalam mengembangkan kegiatan pembelajaran adalah sebagai berikut :
a.       Kegiatan pembelajaran disusun untuk memberikan bantuan kepada para pendidik, khususnya guru, agar dapat melaksanakan proses pembelajaran secara profesional.
b.      Kegiatan pembelajaran memuat rangkaian kegiatan yang harus dilakukan oleh peserta didik secara berurutan untuk mencapai kompetensi dasar.
c.       Penentuan urutan kegiatan pembelajaran harus sesuai dengan hierarki konsep materi pembelajaran.
d.      Rumusan pernyataan dalam kegiatan pembelajaran minimal mengandung dua unsur penciri yang mencerminkan pengelolaan pengalaman belajar siswa, yaitu kegiatan siswa dan materi.

Kompetensi Dasar
Materi Pembelajaran
Kegiatan Pembelajaran
Alokasi Waktu
Sumber Belajar
Bentuk Instrumen
Contoh Instrumen

·    Tanya jawab yang terkait dengan materi
·    Membahas kosa kata dan tata bahasa yang terkait dengan sapaan, perkenalan, memberi perintah atau melarang
·    Mendengarkan percakapan yang terkait dengan sapaan, perkenalan, memberi perintah atau melarang.
·    Menjawab / merespon pertanyaan.

F.      Indikator
Indikator merupakan penanda pencapaian kompetensi dasar yang ditandai oleh perubahan perilaku yang dapat diamati dan diukur yang mencakup sikap, pengetahuan, dan keterampilan. Pernyataan yang mengindikasikan ketercapaian kompetensi dasar yang dipersyaratkan, dapat diukur, dan durumuskan dalam kata kerja operasiopal.
Indikator dikembangkan sesuai dengan karakteristik peserta didik, mata pelajaran, satuan pendidikan, potensi daerah dan dirumuskan dalam kata kerja operasional yang terukur dan/atau dapat diobservasi. Indikator digunakan sebagai dasar untuk menyusun alat penilaian.
Kompetensi Dasar
Materi Pembelajaran
Kegiatan Pembelajaran
Alokasi Waktu
Sumber Belajar
Bentuk Instrumen
Contoh Instrumen

Merespon ungkapan ungkapan
·         Sapaan orang yang sudah  / belum dikenal
·         Perkenalan diri sendiri / orang lain
·         Perintah / larangan

G.    Penilaian
Metode penilaian yang digunakan dalam bentuk tes dan non tes disesuaikan dengan karakteristik indikator anatara lain; tes tertulis, tes lisan, pengamatan kinerja, produk dan lain-lain.
Penilaian pencapaian kompetensi dasar peserta didik dilakukan berdasarkan indikator. Penilaian dilakukan dengan menggunakan tes dan non tes dalam bentuk tertulis maupun lisan, pengamatan kinerja, pengukuran sikap, penilaian hasil karya berupa tugas, proyek dan/atau produk, penggunaan portofolio, dan penilaian diri.
Penilaian merupakan serangkaian kegiatan untuk memperoleh, menganalisis, dan menafsirkan data tentang proses dan hasil belajar peserta didik yang dilakukan secara sistematis dan berkesinambungan, sehingga menjadi informasi yang bermakna dalam pengambilan keputusan.
Hal-hal yang perlu diperhatikan dalam penilaian.
a.       Penilaian diarahkan untuk mengukur pencapaian kompetensi.
b.      Penilaian menggunakan acuan kriteria; yaitu berdasarkan apa yang bisa dilakukan peserta didik setelah mengikuti proses pembelajaran, dan bukan untuk menentukan posisi seseorang terhadap kelompoknya.
c.       Sistem yang direncanakan adalah sistem penilaian yang berkelanjutan. Berkelanjutan dalam arti semua indikator ditagih, kemudian hasilnya dianalisis untuk menentukan kompetensi dasar yang telah dimiliki dan yang belum, serta untuk mengetahui kesulitan peserta didik.
d.      Hasil penilaian dianalisis untuk menentukan tindak lanjut. Tindak lanjut berupa perbaikan proses pembelajaran berikutnya, program remedi bagi peserta didik yang pencapaian kompetensinya di bawah kriteria ketuntasan, dan program pengayaan bagi peserta didik yang telah memenuhi kriteria ketuntasan.
e.       Sistem penilaian harus disesuaikan dengan pengalaman belajar yang ditempuh dalam proses pembelajaran. Misalnya, jika pembelajaran menggunakan pendekatan tugas observasi lapangan maka evaluasi harus diberikan baik pada proses (keterampilan proses) misalnya teknik wawancara, maupun produk/hasil melakukan observasi lapangan yang berupa informasi yang dibutuhkan.

Kompetensi Dasar
Materi Pembelajaran
Kegiatan Pembelajaran
Alokasi Waktu
Sumber Belajar
Bentuk Instrumen
Contoh Instrumen

· Tes lisan

· Tes tertulis

· Unjuk kerja

· Merespon ungkapan lisan

· Pilihan Ganda

· Responding

Listen to the expressions and give your response.
·   A: Good morning.
   B:  .......................
Listen to the expressions and choose the best option.
·   “Hi, I’m Yeny,... ....to meet  you
   a. Nice
   b. meet
   c. fine
   d. Thanks

·   Give it to me.

H.    Alokasi Waktu
Alokasi waktu adalah estimasi jumlah jam pembelajaran yang diperlukan untuk mencapai kompetensi dasar yang dirinci ke dalam jumlah jam pembelajaran untuk tatap muka (teori), praktik di sekolah, dan praktik di industri
Penentuan alokasi waktu pada setiap kompetensi dasar didasarkan pada jumlah minggu efektif dan alokasi waktu mata pelajaran per minggu dengan mempertimbangkan jumlah kompetensi dasar, keluasan, kedalaman, tingkat kesulitan, dan tingkat kepentingan kompetensi dasar. Alokasi waktu yang dicantumkan dalam silabus merupakan perkiraan waktu rerata untuk menguasai kompetensi dasar yang dibutuhkan oleh peserta didik yang beragam. 
Kompetensi Dasar
Materi Pembelajaran
Kegiatan Pembelajaran
Alokasi Waktu
Sumber Belajar
Bentuk Instrumen
Contoh Instrumen

2 x 40 menit

I.       Sumber Belajar
Sumber belajar adalah rujukan, objek dan/atau bahan yang digunakan untuk kegiatan pembelajaran, dapat berupa media cetak dan elektronik, narasumber, serta lingkungan fisik, alam, sosial, dan budaya.
Sumber belajar adalah rujukan, objek dan/atau bahan yang digunakan untuk kegiatan pembelajaran, yang berupa media cetak dan elektronik, narasumber, serta lingkungan fisik, alam, sosial, dan budaya.
Penentuan sumber belajar didasarkan pada standar kompetensi dan kompetensi dasar serta materi pokok/pembelajaran, kegiatan pembelajaran, dan indikator pencapaian kompetensi.

Kompetensi Dasar
Materi Pembelajaran
Kegiatan Pembelajaran
Alokasi Waktu
Sumber Belajar
Bentuk Instrumen
Contoh Instrumen

·    Script
·    Bahan-bahan rekaman (kaset, CD, VCD)

Contoh Model Silabus

Dalam menyusun silabus dapat menggunakan salah satu format yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan satuan pendidikan. Pada dasarnya ada dua jenis, yaitu jenis kolom (format 1) dan jenis uraian (format 2). Dalam menyusun format urutan KD, materi pokok/pembelajaran, kegiatan pembelajaran, indikator dan seterusnya dapat ditetapkan oleh masing-masing satuan pendidikan, sejauh tidak mengurangi komponen-komponen dalam silabus.

Model Silabus

Sekolah                        : MTs Neglasari
Kelas/ Semester           : VII (tujuh)/ I (Satu)
Mata Pelajaran             : Bahasa Inggris
Standar Kompetensi     : 1.Mendengarkan
                                       Memahami makna dalam percakapan transaksional dan interpersonal sangat  sederhana untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan terdekat

MateriPokok /Pembelajaran
Kegiatan Pembelajaran
1.2     Merespon makna dalam percakapan transaksional ( to get things done ) dan interpersonal    (bersosialisasi ) yang mengunakan ragam bahasa lisan sangat sederhana secara akurat, lancar dan berterima untuk  berinteraksi dengan lingkungan terdekat yang melibatkan tindak tutur : menyapa orang yang belum/sudah dikenal, memperkenalkan diri sendiri / orang lain, dan memerintah atau melarang


A : Good morning
     How are you ?
 B : Fine Thanks.
      Nice to meet you

A : Hello, I’ Nina
 B : Hi, I’m Reny
      Nice to meet you

A :  Don’t do that
B :  No. I won’t

A :  Stop it
B :  Ok
·   Tanya jawab yang terkait dengan materi
·   Membahas kosa kata dan tata bahasa yang terkait dengan sapaan, perkenalan, memberi perintah atau melarang
·   Mendengarkan percakapan yang terkait dengan sapaan, perkenalan, memberi perintah atau melarang.
·   Menjawab / merespon pertanyaan.

Merespon ungkapan ungkapan

·         Sapaan orang yang sudah  / belum dikenal

·         Perkenalan diri sendiri / orang lain

·         Perintah / larangan

·Tes lisan

·Tes tertulis

·Unjuk kerja

· Merespon ungkapan lisan

·Pilihan Ganda


Listen to the expressions and give your response.
·   A: Good morning.
   B:  .......................
Listen to the expressions and choose the best option.
·   “Hi, I’m Yeny,... ....to meet  you
   a. Nice
   b. meet
   c. fine
   d. Thanks

·   Give it to me.

2x40 menit
·   Script
·   Bahan-bahan rekaman (kaset, CD, VCD)

1.2. Merespon makna dalam percakapan transaksional ( to get things done ) dan interpersonal (bersosialisasi ) yang mengunakan ragam bahasa lisan sangat sederhana secara akurat, lancar dan berterima untuk  beriteraksi dengan lingkungan terdekat yang melibatkan tindak tutur : meminta dan memberi informasi, mengucapkan terima kasih, meminta maaf, dan mengungkapkan kesantunan
Contoh :

A :  Where’s the book?
B :  It’s there.

A :  Thank you.
B :  You’re welcome.

A :  I’m sorry.
B :  it,s okay.

A :  Please..!
B :  All right thanks.

1.    Mendengarkan dan merespon introduction tentang meminta dan memberi informasi, ungkapan terimakasih, permintaan maaf, kesantunan.
2.    memperhatikan kosakata dan tatabahasa yang kemungkinan besar muncul dalam mendengarkan topik materi
3.    mendengarkan percakapan tentang meminta dan memberi informasi, ungkapan terimakasih, permintaan maaf dan kesantunan
4.    mendengarkan gambit-gambit yang muncul dalam materi percakapan terkait.
 5. menjawab/merespon pertanyaan berdasarkan materi yang diperdengarkan

Merespon ungkapan-ungkapan :
·         Meminta dan memberi informasi

·         Ungkapan terima kasih

·         Permintaan maaf

·         Kesantunan

 Tes lisan

 Tes tulis

Merespon pertanyaan / ungkapan lisan


Listen to the questions / expression and give your answer / response.
A: How many persons are    
     there in
      the conversation?
 B: ............
 A: thank you so much.
 B: ............

Listen to the questions / expressions and complete the sentences.
  A:could you open the door
     for me?
 B: .........

 A: Sorry I’m Late.
 B: .........

 2x40 menit

Buku guru

Script percakapan tulis

Rekaman percakapan dalam kaset, CD, DVD, film